Pronouncing "Ayn"
First, there's
How To Pronounce the 'Ayn' in ' Ayn Rand'
And if you don't believe that guy, there's
The Ayn Rand Institute: Frequently Asked Questions
I guess now that I know how to say it, and also that Ayn Rand was in fact a man, maybe I will read one of his works, which I expect to be an overblown treatise on something and probably an unpleasant experience. Obviously I am carefully cultivating an open mind on the subject.
[NOTE! added 10/30/2006... Ayn Rand was a woman. I don't know why I typed otherwise, unless it was a joke, or my husband said so and I believed him. I had a retraction later, which I can't find right now, but today I thought maybe I should put something here because odds are you would never see the correction otherwise, and leave this site shaking your head in disbelief at what an idiot I am. Actually you may still do that, which is fine with me, as long as you read this first.]
How To Pronounce the 'Ayn' in ' Ayn Rand'
And if you don't believe that guy, there's
The Ayn Rand Institute: Frequently Asked Questions
I guess now that I know how to say it, and also that Ayn Rand was in fact a man, maybe I will read one of his works, which I expect to be an overblown treatise on something and probably an unpleasant experience. Obviously I am carefully cultivating an open mind on the subject.
[NOTE! added 10/30/2006... Ayn Rand was a woman. I don't know why I typed otherwise, unless it was a joke, or my husband said so and I believed him. I had a retraction later, which I can't find right now, but today I thought maybe I should put something here because odds are you would never see the correction otherwise, and leave this site shaking your head in disbelief at what an idiot I am. Actually you may still do that, which is fine with me, as long as you read this first.]