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04/25/2004: "First blog entry now in doubt"

I typed in a very first blog entry EVER about 5 minutes ago, then when I went to the blog page to view it, nothing was there. So I went back to the control panel thingy to check the blog log (heh) and it says there ain't no entries!!

So does that mean what I typed before really wasn't a blog entry? If that's the case, then THIS is my very first blog entry ever.

For all I know, this one won't survive the preview process either, and I'll have to write ANOTHER first blog entry ever.

This blog stuff is turning out to be kinda tricky. Like, you have to click "add entry" buttons and stuff.

Still, I'm impressed with myself for getting this far. Again. And hopefully pushing past the "add entry" button barrier that I think must have held me back the last time.

OK, I'm going to click it now. Wish me luck!

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